Monday, January 25, 2010

Assignment 2: Family Demographics

Part I
After reading the highlights from the given article I feel that one of the statements that stood out to me was about the number of married-couple households. This statement is so typical of today's society. More and more couples are choosing to live together unmarried rather than make the commitment to be a married-couple household. I was a little surprised to see that the decrease from 1995 to 2010 was not higher. Another statement that caught my interest related to married couples that would have no children in the household. I find this so weird and interesting at the same time. The fact that the age of the couple is 45 and over plays a big part. I am shocked though to see how high the number will actually be in 2010.

The chart displaying data comparing families with children vs. families without children did come as a surprise. I expected the numbers of mothers with children to be much higher because I thought there were more single-parent households. The fact that two parents households with children will decrease in 2010 scares me because I want to have a successful relationship with a two parent household. I feel if the odds are decreasing when the number is already low to begin with means there will be less of a chance that couples of my generation will survive.

The families that have a higher percentage compared to 1995 exist in the households with no children. Married couples, other families, living alone and living with non relatives only have either a slight increase or a drastic increase. Households with children had a decrease in percentage from 1995 to 2010. I think these types of families are more likely to fade out and decrease dramatically as the years go on. Five years from now I hope to be living in a married couple household, but who knows what the future holds. In ten years I want to be a successful two parent household. I want my kids to grow up in an environment with both parents loving and supporting them. It is uncertain to say what I will be doing seventy years from now. I would love to still be living as a married couple, but only time will tell.

Part II
The New Girl Order article brought up good points about woman of today. The Sex and the City phenomenon is changing the way woman live. Woman today are choosing to get married and start a family at a later age than woman 40 years ago would have done. Women of the past were more concerned with taking care of the family while the husband worked, while today it is completely different. There are many families where both parents work because that is what needs to be done to get by. I think that woman are taking more time out for themselves before embarking on a new life with their partner. It is common to see more adult woman going back to school to further their education and I think this is because of the times we live in. From Sex and the City ,Samantha ,I believe, has never been married. She is happier being single and getting attention from different men. I think this is setting an example for woman of today because they see how happy she is.

In terms of the normal years for getting married, statistics say woman will get married later. The average age for a woman to get married about 40 years ago was 20 years old, whereas today, women age 27 are still single. They differ greatly from the lifestyle that their grandparents may have lived. The age of marriage for women has increased to 23.2 from the 1970's. Women 40 years ago who were single would continue to live at home and remain part of the family business where women today choose to live alone and look for men I generally do believe that the women of Sex and the City have had some form of impact on today's generations. Women are working more today than they have in the past because education is very important. Without some form of a college degree most jobs are impossible to get. Women are looking to work more so that they are able to support themselves before starting a family. With the New Girl Order I think women are able to finally be independent and not have to rely on a man. We are filled with energy and ambition that women of the past may not have had because they would meet a boy from a nearby village, get married and start a family. The only major downfall that I see with this New Girl Order is the decline in fertility. The population will start to decrease because less procreation will take place.

As I enter into my twenties and so on, I want to receive a college degree and get a job before I can think about getting married. I need to gain more independence before I can enter into a life-long relationship. Don't get me wrong, I would love to be married by the age of 25, but first I want to have my career set. Starting a family is very important to me, but I need to make sure my husband and I are financially stable first. I would, however, like to stay home for possibly the first year and a half of my child's life before returning to work.

The woman that I most relate to from Sex and the City is Charlotte. I find her to be very set in her ways and paranoid which is the way that I am. I like the way she carries herself and believes in the right things. As far as men I love Big. He is such a sweet and romantic guy and I would love to find someone like him. The only thing I do not like about him is the fact that he did not marry Carrie when he should have; he did make up for it though =).

Until next time...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Assignment 1: Introduction

Hi my name is Christina DeKovics and I am 19 years old. I am currently a sophomore here at Montclair and live on campus in Blanton. I go home pretty much every weekend where I live with my parents and 11 year old brother, Brandon. My family used to have a dog, but we had to put him to sleep when I was younger because he was sick. My parents are happily married and are going on 21 years. One of my favorite things to do with my family is watch football on Sundays. I am a huge Packers fan and watching them play is a bonding experience for us. I am a caring person who will go out of my way for anyone. My family is truly my best friend. I love to help people and listen. My friends make fun of me and tell me I act like a therapist. They come to me with all of their problems and I am more than willing to try and solve them. I love to sing and just have a good time. I sometimes worry about the small stuff and stress about things out of my control. One thing you should know is that I am a very shy person and do not like attention on me. I used to sing and act in high school and I know what your thinking: how can I be on stage when I do not like attention. As funny as it is, I would rather sing in front of 200 people than give a presentation in front of 30.

I attended Catholic school from Kindergarten all the way through high school. I know some people say they hate it, but I really did not have a problem with it. I had some of the best teachers and some of the worst. I absolutely adore my friends. They are one of the best things in my life. One of the funniest things to ever happen to me was on the first day of high school. It was raining out and my shoes were slippery. I started to walk towards the stairs and next thing I knew I was on the floor. Thank goodness no one else was around because I was very embarrassed. Now I am able to look back and laugh.

I am a Family and Child Studies major with a concentration in early/middle childhood (K-5). I am also taking classes to be able to teach middle school social studies. I began taking sign language last semester and absolutely love it. I hope to receive my masters in Special Education in the future and possibly get a Sign Language Interpreter Certification. Since the age of five I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I love working with children and seeing how their mind is able to absorb so much information. I want my students to look back and see that I made an impact in their lives, even if it was a small one. I want to get married and have my own children someday. Whether the guy will be rich I can not really say. I have never thought much about traveling, but there are a few places I would like to see.

After reviewing the syllabus I am interested to learn about love&sexuality and why more people are choosing cohabitation over marriage. I feel like these are two topics that sometimes are not talked about as much as they should be. The project seems fun and informative. I like self-help books and this project will give me the opportunity to read one and evaluate the important details. As far as the wiki goes, I am not sure how I feel about it. I like the fact that it is an easier way to communicate. After watching the video I feel the group project will be much easier because most of it can get done with communicatng through wiki. The only thing I am a bit skeptical about is blogging because I am a private person and do not like when people are able to read my things. It will generally be a new experience, but I am excited for this class =)!