Sunday, March 21, 2010

Assignment 6: Marriage

1. One example of the ancient marriages that stood out to me was from Tibet. In these marriages brothers shared one wife. It is currently still happening in southwestern China where people live in sibling clusters rather than in couples. Groups of brothers and sisters together raise children conceived by the women during evening rendevous with visitors. This is different from the "one man, one woman" idea of marriage because there is no set person that does work. It is also not a relationship between only a man and a woman, but one woman and many men or the other way around. I do not feel that a marriage actually exists when there are that many people involved. It is more about sex for the people of Tibet than love and happiness.

2. I think postponing marriage has become most likely between poor and middle class couples who want to establish a career and become somewhat settled before beginning a new life with someone else. These couples want to make sure that they are situated for themselves before starting over with someone new. There is also this fear that their partner will change for the worst once marriage becomes an option. According to the text, "With poor women there is a fear of economic dependence both within a marriage and in the event it should end." There is also a need to have economic success for a lot of people before entering into marriage.

I was able to find a clip of the wedding reception, but not the actual wedding. Some of the traditions that were portrayed in this clip were:
1. The bride wearing a white dress.
2. A reception after the wedding ceremony.
3. The wedding party sits together at the front of the room.
4. A toast is given by the best man and maid of honor.
5. The bride throwing the wedding bouquet.

The tradition that I chose to research was the bride throwing the bouquet at the wedding reception. The idea of throwing the bouquet was started in the 14th century and considered good luck. It originally began with the single women grabbing at the bride's gown in order to gain pieces of the "good luck." An alternative form was created when the bouquet and garter were thrown. It is said that the woman who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry. I would definitely keep this tradition when I get married. One thing I read was that women have a disposable bouquet to throw so they can preserve the real bouquet. This is something I would consider doing when I eventually get married.


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